We’ve all seen it, whether it’s happened to ourselves or with other mums… our old wardrobe favorites get pushed back into the recesses or our wardrobes and cupboards to make room for those pieces that make up what’s often referred to as ‘A Mummy’s Wardrobe’.
Instead of being fashion forward, numerous mums seek out those outfits that permit the most comfort – however, we know these two elements aren’t mutually exclusive! While comfort definitely has a major part to play in being a happy mum, it doesn’t mean a mum should stay in a loose fitting t-shirt and yoga pants 24-7.
Although there’s no doubt your style choices will change some after you’ve become a new mum (bye-bye plunging necklines and 4” stilettos) you won’t have to abandon your fashion mojo after your baby’s been born. Splurge on the essentials and get high quality shoes. Okay, you might not want to try rocking those mega high heels for a while, but there’s some good news: the huge selection of ballet pumps available in an endless variety of styles, embellishments and colours.
Trainers have also become a lot more fashionable over the years and are now staple a fashion accessory, even for the trendiest celebrities.
Comfortable Tops
Far too many mums make the mistake of assuming that ‘comfort’ can only be found in loose fitting clothes (typically those more shapeless, sack-like clothing items).
There are way more comfortable, yet fabulous tops available out there to choose from, many of which, like the choices we offer, are specially designed for breastfeeding – which automatically maximizes your comfort. One of the things we love about t-shirts and tank tops is how easily and quickly many of them can be dressed by simply adding some gorgeous accessories, and how they can be layered and combined with other pieces.
Our nursing tank tops come a selection of colours to accommodate the fashion preferences of any mum. Pretty Prints Neutral coloured clothing items work well as a new mum’s ‘basics’, but having a couple choice prints and patterns in your wardrobe can go a long way in helping you stay effortlessly fashion-forward. Maxi dresses such as our black diamond option is perfect for cooler months, while shorter styles like our orange pink stripe or blue stripe dress can be worn either paired with leggings or on their own as a dress – two convenient outfits in one!
BONUS: Stains are inevitable as a parent, especially for us mums, but prints have the added benefit of hiding and concealing these stains and increasing our favourite garments’ longevity at the same time!