Your baby is the ultimate expression of joy. You are enthusiastic and ready to welcome your bundle of joy into this world, and want everything perfect for them. From the moment they are born, they are letting you know you need to nurture them so they can thrive and grow. Buying baby essentials is more than worth it. Studies have shown that time spent with a parent is an important factor in determining where a child ends up on the happiness scale.
Consider how much you spent on your parents when they were infants and young children, and how much they enriched your life. There are a lot of things you need to buy for your new baby. Even if your pregnancy is planned, the cost of getting the baby’s nursery room ready and buying the items on your registry can come as a bit of a surprise. It is important to understand that many of the items on that list are there for a good cause, and can either make your life much easier – or harder.Here is the list of everything you need for your little one.

Nursery Room Essentials
You will need adorable décor for a baby’s room, but you will need bedding and furniture to make baby care lighter and safer for you. Some of the nursery room essentials you need to have are baby monitor,diaper changing table, flat mattress, and sheets.
Wardrobe Essentials
Small baby clothes are cute, but you will want to go for practical baby items that will keep your newborn comfortable and warm all the time. The wardrobe essentials you have to buy for your baby are infant hats, mittens, one-piece pyjamas, pants, shirts, and socks, to name some. Check out Nixon Closet for your baby’s wardrobe needs.
Feeding Essentials
Prepare to feed your newborn every now and then, which means you will need many baby items for chow time, whether you are breastfeeding or bottle-feeding. Buy a couple of bibs, burp clothes, bottles, bottle brushes, formula milk (if you are not breastfeeding), and milk storage bags.
Gear Essentials
Whether you are always on the go or at home, you will need to have some reliable baby gear on hand. After all, you are going to need your arms at one point. Acquire a baby carrier, baby seat, and baby stroller. When it comes to baby strollers, choose one that fits your lifestyle.

Bath Essentials
Bath time can be a lot of fun—as soon as you get a grip on that antsy baby. It is best to be well-prepared with all of the necessary equipment such as baby bath tub, baby body wash, baby shampoo, hooded baby towels, and washcloths.
Diapering Essentials
Changing a diaper may appear difficult at first, you will get the hang of it later on, and these baby essentials will help you do so even faster–cloth or disposable baby diapers, diaper bag, and diaper rash cream.
You will need some health essentials for you little one as well.